Sunday, 23 October 2011

Cyber Terror

Ok... So lets go back a bit before the wonderful internet..
CB radio. 10-4 for a copy, and all that..
The macho world of the trucker. - I like trucking and I like to truck! see I like Trucking ..

CB radio was a mans world, where women were refered to as 'seat covers' and opertaors sporting 'Handles' like  'Sofa King'  -  yeah well done mate, your Mother would be proud of you.

So this was the public's first introduction the concept of personal communications -  a time before IPhone;s and Androids.. These days the talk of cyber terror is on the lips of every security analyst in the world - but its not new.. Oh no. It's not new!

You see, back then, the personal communications (CB Radio) ran on an illegal frequency of 27MhZ AM (Amplitude Modulation). Now without boring you with the techy bit, OK maybe I will justa a little....AM is a bit of a shit when it comes to interference.
Thus thousands of normal people, who weren't trying to impress a 'seatcover' by the size or thier 'Rig' were woken at various times of the night as thier Radio alarm clock stiluated by interference, suddenly screamed ..

'Pigpen This here's Rubber Duck and I'm about to put the hammer down:  10-4' 

I blame Kris Kristofferson.

So what's a man to do?

With all these sexist nutcases playing 'Convoy' from thier Ford Escorts (Or more likely thier solo bedsit), with a miniscule 4 watts of transmission power?

Well a certain person (Me).. had access to some 'COUGH' military equipment that could transmit on the relvant frequency at 1000W - ONE MOTHER FLIPPING KILOWATT!!

Modulating this with a 1KHZ tone -( you know, that noise you get in your head every now and again - please tell me you do) .....I found that having one man scanning the reciever (RX) channels, picking up the saddos, then shouting out the frequecny to myself in the radio room, meant that I could quickly dial the offending frequency into the synthesiser, press the transmit button and WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Obliterate any CBer's within 10 miles of my antenna.

What fun!!!
They've spent £50 in Tandy on a fancy system and they cant do bugger all about it. 
They hop channels, but so do we. 
They talk about trying to triangulate the source of the 'interference' but what are they going to do about it?
They're illegal, we were covered by the official secrets act.

10-4 good buddy -  eat my shorts!

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